Event Photographer: 5 Secrets to Get the Best Photos of Your Event
Expert Tips for a Perfect
make a strong first impression, build trust, and project professionalism
Ready to book a session?
or have a question?
✉ photo@paulstreit.com
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My guarantee – if you’re not satisfied with your headshots, I’ll reshoot your session at no charge!
When you host an event, it always seems like the hours go by so fast. You probably spent weeks or months planning that event, and in a blink, it has passed. While you can’t slow down time, you can hire a good event photographer to capture as many of the important moments as possible.
If you have been thinking about hiring an event photographer for your upcoming occasion in the San Jose area, the tips below should help you be successful with this project.
#1 – Choose the Right Event Photographer
This might seem like an obvious place to start, but it has to be mentioned right from the beginning because it is just so important. Working with the right event photographer for your occasion is going to make everything easier – and will ensure you come away with quality photos when all is said and done. A good event photographer is not only going to be up to the task on the day of the event, but they will also do an effective job of helping you plan out everything in detail so the process can be as stress-free as possible from start to finish.
#2 – Plan Ahead: Discuss Key Shots
Speaking of planning, your event photographer will need to know in advance what key shots you are going to want to be sure to capture. This will depend on the type of event you are running, of course, and it will be important for you to deliver this input in advance so your event photographer can decide how and where they are going to spend their time.
READY TO book a session?
or have a question?
✉ photo@paulstreit.com
Click my email address, it will open an email on your computer / phone – click the phone # button to call me from your phone)

#3 – Capture the Atmosphere, Not Just People
One mistake that is commonly made by an event photographer who doesn’t have much experience in the field is to take only picture of the people who are in attendance. Those are important subjects, to be sure, but it’s hard to tell the story of an event without also including shots that capture the overall atmosphere and setting. By working with an established, experienced event photographer, you can be sure that this won’t be a problem.
#4 – Lighting: The Event Photographer’s Best Friend
It is difficult for an event photographer to work around particularly bad lighting. Part of your planning for the event should include thinking about lighting and how you’ll provide enough of it to be able to get great images. Even if you want part of the location to be a bit dimmer, it’s best to have a location within the event that has better lighting and is more conducive to photography.
#5 – Post-Event Editing: Enhance Your Event’s Story
The pictures that are taken by your event photographer should be pretty good as they are, but the finished product can be even better with professional editing. Thorough post-event editing is something that your event photographer should offer as part of their services and it will take your photos to a level that you might not have expected before this project started. If you want to make sure that the pictures are something you will be proud to display and can be looked at for years to come, don’t overlook the value of post-event editing.
Call Now to Learn More
Every day that passes is another day that your event draws closer without a photographer being in place for the occasion. Put that stress to bed today by reaching out to discuss your need for an event photographer. I’ll be happy to go over my services and explain how everything would work in detail. As an experienced event photographer with a long list of happy clients to my credit, you will be in good hands!