Dance Affair Holiday show 2023
Welcome! Click this link to view the collection of Dance Affair Holiday photos.
Please choose as many photos as you wish. Click a photo to view full size. You may purchase digital files at a price of $25 each, these are suitable for printing with any major service like Shutterfly, Snapfish or Walmart. Select the photo by the 4-digit number at the end of the name (Holiday show 2023 – xxxx). The name is displayed at the bottom of an image when you click on it to view in full size. The watermark (Paul Streit Photography) will not be on your purchased image. Please email ( with your choices, payment will be by Venmo, Paypal or credit card (processed securely by Paypal). Click the email address below for any questions – thank you.
(Click my email address, it will open an email on your computer / phone)